Movie Geek's Guide to Predicting and Celebrating Film's Biggest Night of the Year.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

The race is heating up.

New Predicted Acting Nominees-

Note: There has been some gray matter in between the ones on the blog and these new ones, but these are the first big "new" predictions I've had since then.

Best Actor

Daniel Day-Lewis. There Will Be Blood
Why: His precursor wins and GG/BFCA/SAG noms plus rave reviews for the film as a whole have kept Day-Lewis propelled above the others.

Johnny Depp. Sweeney Todd
Why: Great reviews and the BFCA/Globe nod are making him a serious contender.

George Clooney. Michael Clayton
Why: Some precursor wins plus noms in the BFCA/GG/SAG are doing good for him. (Not to mention Wilkinson and Swinton.)

James McAvoy. Atonement
Why: Although he hasn't won any precursors, and didn't recieve a BFCA/SAG nom, he could still ride in through a strong campaign, his Globe nom, and the movie's overall success.

Emilie Hirsch. Into the Wild
Why: Sort of the flip side of McAvoy: almost no precursors and no Globe nom, but still doing good with his SAG and BFCA noms. He might have the "Indie cred" that Gosling had last year, too.

Don't forget...
Viggo Mortensen (Eastern Promises)
Tom Hanks (Charlie Wilson's War)
Denzel Washington (American Gangster)
Ryan Gosling (Lars and the Real Girl)
Frank Langella (Starting Out in the Evening)

Best Actress

Julie Christie. Away from Her
Why: Many precursor wins and nominations in "the 3" (BFCA/GG/SAG). Not to mention her vet status.

Marion Cotillard. La Vie en Rose
Why: Just as many precursor wins, and nominations in "the 3." The fact that she's foreign might hurt her, but she still stands a great chance.

Ellen Page. Juno
Why: Fantastic reviews and also noms from "the 3." She's definitely the "Indie" nominee of the year, and likely to be one of Hollywood's new starlets.

Amy Adams. Enchanted
Why: Although she missed out on SAG, Adams will definitely get pushed and has the fans on her side. Another starlet in the making.

Keira Knightley. Atonement
Why: In a category where she could've easily fallen out, it seems she could make it back in this year. True, she's only got the GG nom, but she's got star cred and could make it in the I don't want to admit Jolie could get nominated.

Don't forget...
Angelina Jolie (A Mighty Heart)
Laura Linney (The Savages)
Helena Bonham Carter (Sweeney Todd)
Cate Blanchett (Elizabeth: The Golden Age)
Nicole Kidman (Margot at the Wedding)

Best Supporting Actor

Javier Bardem. No Country for Old Men
Why: Raves, precursor wins, and noms from "the 3." What more do you need?

Casey Affleck. The Assassination of Long Titles
Why: Some precursor wins and noms from "the 3." His appearance in Gone Baby Gone could earn him some extra support.

Philip Seymour Hoffman. Charlie Wilson's War
Why: Missed out on SAG, but his previous winning status + his plethora of film appearances this year will guarantee him a nomination somewhere - namely, here.

Hal Holbrook. Into the Wild
Why: Never nominated, got noms from BFCA and SAG, and has great reviews and the age factor working for him.

Tom Wilkinson. Michael Clayton
Why: A few precursors plus a nomination from every human on the planet...not to mention he's never won before.

Don't forget...
Paul Dano (There Will Be Blood)
John Travolta (Hairspray)
Russell Crowe (American Gangster)
Philip Bosco (The Savages)
Max von Sydow (The Diving Bell and the Butterfly)

Best Supporting Actress

Cate Blanchett. I'm Not There
Why: Raves, a few precursor wins, "the 3," and her star status will keep her in.

Amy Ryan. Gone Baby Gone
Why: Winning probably the most precursors of the season not to mention nods from "the 3."

Saoirse Ronan. Atonement
Why: Oscar loves the kiddies when they shine in supporting. And SOMEONE from Atonement has to get nominated. Ronan's been winning lots of "Best Female Youth" awards from precursors and also has a Globe nom and BFCA nod.

Tilda Swinton. Michael Clayton
Why: Fairly known, but never nominated; riding the train of MC's glory, she'll score a nom easily after securing one in "the 3."

Vanessa Redgrave. Atonement
Why: S. Actress is really weak this year, and the open spot could easily go to her: she got very positive reviews and a BFCA award to boot.

Don't forget...
Julia Roberts (Charlie Wilson's War)
Jennifer Jason Leigh (Margot at the Wedding)
Jennifer Garner (Juno)
Romola Garai (Atonement)
Catherine Keener (Into the Wild)

That's all for now...but keep checking back for updates!

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